Friction Gnome Enterprises

Friction Gnome Enterprises' current major creation is the homebrewing website The website offers users the ability to create homebrew beer, wine, or mead recipes using dynamic calculations for color, alcohol content, and bitterness. offers an easy way to upload news to the front page, create brewing tutorials, and share basic information about beer. Each article can be edited by a user with administrative priviledges at any time.

The Ale Abacus is the main focus of It allows users to create, edit, and share their recipes with anyone they please, including non-members of the site.

In conjunction with, Friction Gnome Enterprises created the Brewing Assistant and Brewing Assistant Free apps for Android smartphones and the Brewing Assistant for iOS devices. The Brewing Assistant apps are a version of the Ale Abacus built to run natively on Android and iOS platforms. They offer the option to sync phone recipes with the Ale Abacus and vice versa.



Other Projects

Friction Gnome Enterprises has also done various projects on internal sites that the content owners have requested we not share.